Contributing Third Party

The contributing third party payment is a transaction between a third party identified by you and Valencia Waste Management.

For information from the regulator of the Landfill Communities Fund on the contributing third party payment, click here.

How is the Contributing Third Party Payment Calculated?

The contributing third party payment is the equivalent to 10% of the value of funds awarded. Please note that Valencia Communities Fund will calculate the amount of contributing third party payment due on any award, and this sum will supersede any other calculated figure.

Who can be a Contributing Third Party?

Almost anyone can be a contributing third party, providing they do not gain a unique benefit from the project put forward for funding. When raising funds for the contributing third party payment, you must make the donor explicitly aware that their contribution will form part of the payment to the landfill operator, and won't be a direct contribution to the project.

Below is a list of examples of organisations that may be contributing third parties:

  • Private companies
  • Public sector organisations - local authorities, county councils
  • Charities
  • Voluntary organisations
  • Private donors
  • Monies from fundraising

How do I make the Contributing Third Party payment?

To make the contributing third party payment, you must use the form that comes with your offer letter; the Contributing Third Party Form. The offer letter will have been emailed to you after funding from Valencia Communities Fund was confirmed. The person or organisation making the contribution should complete the form and send it electronically, along confirmation of the BACS payment. This should be done within one month of the date on the offer letter.

If you have received numerous donations to your own account through fundraising specifically for the contributing third party payment, then the applicant may complete the form and note that it is from donations specifically towards the contributing third party payment.

Who is excluded from being a Contributing Third Party?

  • Any individual or organisation directly connected to the landfill operator - Valencia Waste Management - or a contractor of the project
  • Any individual or organisation who gains a unique benefit from the project
  • Legacy donations or any monies donated for anything other than the contributing third party payment, including S106 and equivalent monies.
  • Other environmental bodies - see guidance issues by ENTRUST for further information visit


Q: When should I make the contributing third party payment?
A: The payment is due within one month of the offer of funding, and before you are able to draw down any of your award.

Q: I am applying to Valencia Communities Fund for £5,000. Does the contributing third party payment mean I can only apply for 90% of the project cost and the contributing third party payment makes up the other 10%?
A: No. Applicants may apply for 100% of the capital works cost of the project. The Contributing Third Party payment is always 10% of the award. Applying for 90% of a £5,000 project (£4,500) will require a Contributing Third Party payment of £450 and £4,500 will be available to the project from Valencia Communities Fund.

Q: I am applying for 100% funding from Valencia Communities Fund. Does the contributing third party payment mean I will only receive 90% of that amount?
A: No. If you are awarded 100% of the funding, that is what will be available to the project. The contributing third party payment cannot come out of the award from Valencia Communities Fund and must be paid by an independent third party or through fundraising specifically for this payment.

Q: Is the contributing third party payment refunded on the completion of my project?
A:  No. The contributing third party payment is not deducted from the award from Valencia Communities Fund, does not form part of the total project cost and is not refundable. If any portion of your award is withdrawn, then anyone that donated funds towards the contributing third party payment will receive back a proportion of their donation.