Drawing Down Funding

How do I apply for payment?

You may apply to draw down part or all of your award once some or all of the Valencia Communities Fund-funded elements have been completed and your contractor has issued you with an invoice for these completed works.

You will need to ensure you have sent in your Contributing Third Party Form and payment before requesting any funds.

Your payment request must consist of:

  • A copy of your contractor's invoice on the contractor's headed paper with bank details;
  • a completed Project Payment Request Form (click to download a blank copy);
  • photographs of the completed works;
  • if you have already paid your contractor, you must also provide confirmation from your contractor that payment has been received by them.

Valencia Communities Fund does not release funds against pro-forma invoices, nor pays deposits or make up-front payments.

Where should I submit my request?

All payment requests should be emailed to Valencia Communities Fund through your application portal by "starting a new conversation" on your application's page.

If there are any issues with your request, a member of the team will be in contact with you.

How are payments made?

Payments are made by BACS and may be made directly to your contractor or reimbursed to you, if you have already paid your contractor. In the latter case, you will need to provide proof from your contractor that they have received payment. A copy of your bank statement or similar is not sufficient evidence.

Payments are made by BACS on a Friday. We aim to make payments within ten working days of receipt of your request. 

Valencia Communities Fund is not responsible for meeting the payment terms of your contractor.

Before you submit a request

Before you submit a payment request to Valencia Communities Fund, please check the following:

  • The invoice contains items for payment that Valencia Communities Fund has agreed to fund.
  • The invoice is not a request for deposit, a pro-forma or other up-front payment.
  • If you are requesting reimbursement for an invoice you have paid, the invoice must be receipted or you must demonstrate proof that the contractor has received payment. A copy of your bank statement is not suitable evidence.
  • The contractor's invoice contains their bank details, or they must provide them on headed paper.
  • You have completed a Project Payment Request Form (click to download a blank form). This must accompany any invoices you send. You may make multiple copies of this form.
  • The invoice is made out to the applicant organisation, not Valencia Communities Fund.
  • Applicants that are Environmental Bodies must not pay the invoice, as Valencia Communities Fund will not reimburse the Environmental Body for any expenditure. Payment will be made directly to the contractor only.
  •  If your deadlines for drawing down funding are approaching or have passed, you will need to contact a member of the team.