
This page describes how to publicise your project and the award from Valencia Communities Fund.

Why publicise the award?

An award from Valencia Communities Fund is a major achievement.  The Landfill Communities Fund and the Scottish Landfill Communities Fund are highly competitive schemes and your community will want to read about your amazing news!  Publicising your award will also inform other community groups such as yours that funding is available from Valencia Communities Fund, further benefitting your community.  It may also aid your fund-raising efforts if people are aware of your project.  Furthermore, publicising the award you have received is a condition of funding as detailed in your Offer Letter.

When should you publicise the award?

Once you have received your Offer Letter and have accepted the terms and conditions of the Funding Agreement, you can start thinking about publicising the good news.  Any draft PR should be sent to the office so that it can be checked and a quote added by the General Manager or Operations Manager.   This may also include minor edits where appropriate.  Other milestones, such as becoming fully funded or starting capital works are also good times to think about publicity.

The main PR push will be once the project has been completed.  This can take the form of an extended press release in local papers, articles on your website or other social media and/or a special event.

We do ask that any PR which you wish to send in to us is sent in a word document with separate photos in JPEG format via your application portal or via the e-mail below.   This way we are able to feature your PR work on our website as a good news story.  We are unable to do this with press cuttings.  Please also provide a description of any photos, including who is featured in the photograph.

What is the best way to publicise the award?

There are number of media that you can utilise to publicise your project and your funding.

  • Local press or parish magazines
  • Your website or your village website
  • Social media, such as Twitter or Facebook
  • Special events, such as an unveiling or opening ceremony

When approaching the local press with a piece of text, be sure to include a photo of the project, preferably including people in some way (with their permission!). 

Valencia Communities Fund or Valencia?

The name of the company that has funded your project is Valencia Communities Fund. Please do not shorten to just "Valencia". Valencia is the landfill operator that donates funds to Valencia Communities Fund, but does not directly fund projects.

How can Valencia Communities Fund help?

Valencia Communities Fund has a dedicated contact for help with PR-related queries. Valencia Communities Fund can provide advice and quotes for inclusion in your articles.  Please contact us via your application portal marked for the attention of Tony Painter, call the office on 01823 476476 or e-mail:

Valencia Communities Fund has its own Twitter account. If you add our name into any tweet you send, we will retweet it! @ValenciaComFund (opens in new window)

If you would like your project to be considered to be one of our case studies, please complete the below Article Template and email it to us at  Please also enclose photos of your project (these can be before and after photos, photos from an opening event or of the completed project).

What happens if I don't publicise the award?

Failure to reference the award from Valencia Communities Fund and the Landfill Communities Fund or Scottish Landfill Communities Fund may result in your award being suspended and any future application being declined.


Valencia Communities Fund is happy to work closely with you to produce your PR. Below are links to a number of helpful resources that will help you put together a press release.

Article Guidance

Notes to Editors (Scotland only)

Notes to Editors (England only)

Valencia Communities Fund Logo - colour (.jpg)
Valencia Communities Fund Logo - colour (.png)

Valencia Communities Fund Logo - black and white (.jpg)
Valencia Communities Fund Logo - black and white (.png)

Landfill Communities Fund Logo (England only)

Scottish Landfill Communities Fund Logo (Scotland only)