Wilton Music Hall, Whitechapel

Wilton's is the last surviving Grand Music Hall in the world and is a hub for theatre, live music, heritage and learning and participation.

This grade 2* listed building had been facing closure for decades and in 2012 began a phased capital project to save, conserve and open up the building for generations to come.  Phase 1 was the stunning auditorium and Phase 2 was the Georgian Houses that make up the front of house area. 

Valencia Communities Fund played a significant part in saving the building by making a major donation to Phase 2 of the Capital Project.

Wilton's had been under the threat of closure for decades.  It suffered from damp, leaky roof, no floors and ceilings in a number of rooms and 40% of the building was derelict. Although it was able to present a programme of arts and heritage these were limited as the building faced imminent closure as the building was deteriorating faster than it could be repaired. Wilton's is the last surviving Grand Music Hall in the world and a building this unique had to be saved.

The repair and conservation works took place over three years and the building re-opened in September 2015 with an official opening with Wilton's Patron HRH The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall in January 2016.  Wilton's has won four RIBA awards including London Building of the Year and a National Award since it re-opened.