St Giles' Church, Hampton Gay

When the church porch was burnt down by vandals some years previously, the church and community rallied round, holding concerts and other events to raise money for the rebuilding works.

It was only when Valencia Communities Fund awarded £6,700 in June 2016 that work could finally commence.

The church council wanted to rebuild the porch to give the church a sense of balance, but also to offer protection for those on country walks past the isolated  former village.

Graham Dunn, Church Warden at St Giles', said "Valencia Communities Fund could not have been more helpful. We have ended up with a porch that really enhances the church, resulting in two weddings booked this year; the first for some time."

The replacement porch, which covers the same footprint as the previous one, makes a stunning addition to the church, and will last for many years to come.